Open Line Vitaly Environment Policy


The management and employees of Open Line Vitaly d.o.o. strive on a daily basis to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment or to limit (prevent) negative impacts on the environment. The environmental policy is an integral part of our corporate policy.

We are committed to meeting all formal environmental requirements, to operating in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 and to striving for continuous improvement in our environmental performance by:

•   By maintaining and continuously improving our environmental management system, reviewing and evaluating our environmental objectives and striving to continuously improve our environmental practices,

•    By complying with the requirements of applicable legislation related to environmental aspects,

•   By managing our waste properly. We promote the segregation of waste at our workplaces and we separate waste generated by our activities and hand it over to authorised waste collectors,

•     By saving energy. We strive to promote the use of environmentally friendly/advanced technologies that can reduce energy consumption, implementation of a cloud-based programme

•   Encouraging employees to advocate for environmentally friendly solutions and innovations and their awareness in order to make employees understand and be aware of their environmental responsibilities,

•     Establish partnerships with suppliers who act in accordance with our environmental principles,

•     Communicating and communicating our environmental policy to all employees of the company and those working on our behalf,

•     Regular measurement and reporting of environmental indicators is key to monitoring progress and improving the company’s environmental performance. This environmental policy is the cornerstone of our business and represents our commitment to operating responsibly and sustainably in the environment in which we operate.

•     Through the Vitaliy software tool (platform), we strive to promote environmental sustainability by facilitating positive impacts on the environment. Our solutions empower clients to reduce material consumption, such as paper usage, and transition to paperless operations. Additionally, with our cloud-based solutions, we minimize resource utilization, including hardware and energy, while also decreasing unnecessary hospital admissions and appointments. This reduction in user visits and transportation to facilities ultimately leads to a smaller carbon footprint.

Ljubljana, 17.4.2024

Janez Bensa, Director