A synchronised multidisciplinary decision framework

Manage capacities of multidisciplinary teamwork and achieve more effective, timely and quality care across the healthcare setting.

Collaboration made easy

Our online tool follows the principles that work well and go in line with your existing ecosystem.
We offer you a variety of capabilities to help you achieve your digital transformation successfully.


Use our streamlined protocol-driven workflows

That can be applied to your existing MDT processes, consultancy demands or even referral needs in different therapeutic areas such as cancer, mental health, chronic diseases, paediatric care, …


Document your decisions and get your forms customised

Our content dynamic form creator can support different content and therapeutic demands in a structured way that can be integrated into a patient’s electronic record.


Know your patient and offer a comprehensive overview

Aggregate relevant patient data from existing health information sources for prompt reviews, proper medical background and evaluation options.


Plan, schedule the agenda, host and facilitate a video session

Seamlessly progress patients’ requests from submitting to scheduling and enable remote participation until the review is closed and finalised.


Streamline discussions and minimise errors

Govern preparation for aligning complex cases before the meetings and get well prepared for decision time.


Leverage the adoption of standards

By applying numerous interoperability profiles and principles (such as IHE XDW, XDS, FHIR, Open EHR…).

It’s a team effort

Not only does this model of care acknowledge the positive impact on administrative costs and budget optimisations, but it also demonstrates a series of opportunities to improve the quality of care.

*All compared with a classical paper-based MDT management.
+ 30%

increased capacity of a single board workload

5 x

shortened time needed to conduct & track a decision

- 35%

reduction in report formatting & distribution time

Following your objectives

Our experts will support you to match the solution configuration that meets the purpose of your MDT model.

  • Treat more patients
    Treat more patients
    Treat more patients

    • Allow us to connect specialists and other healthcare professionals in different locations, to guarantee access from any device and become an advocate of your team's velocity,
    • A digitally supported multidisciplinary approach allows a higher number of patients to be evaluated at the same time.
  • Optimise administrative costs
    Optimise administrative costs
    Optimise administrative costs

    • Minimise manual effort and paperless exchange to empower administrative professionals and relieve the burden of time-consuming actions.
    • By optimising logistics and governance models, the specialists can use their precious time more wisely.
  • Improve quality of care
    Improve quality of care
    Improve quality of care

    • Prevent errors and duplicated investigations,
    • Increase screening rates for clinical trials,
    • Induce more accurate diagnoses,
    • Avoid treatment delays and rescheduled cases.
  • Build strong recognition
    Build strong recognition
    Build strong recognition

    • Patients can have greater confidence in their treatment plan knowing that it has been developed by a collaboration between different specialists,
    • Opportunity for access to clinical trials and research programs,
    • Improved interdisciplinary knowledge and dissemination options.

Single solution for any MDT speciality

Vitaly solution is designed to meet the unique needs of MDTs across various specialities.
Whether it’s cancer care, neurology, cardiology, or any other area of healthcare, our solution is
flexible and versatile to adapt to the specific requirements of each clinical MDT group.





Child & Adolescent

Child & Adolescent

Mental Health

Mental Health




The power of collaborative decision-making in multidisciplinary approach

Learn how tools such as Vitaly contribute to better patient outcomes by ensuring greater team productivity and shortened time-to-result through streamlined processes, standardised clinical information exchange, role management and enhanced communication capabilities.


Organise and measure the best of your energy and skills

Track your key metrics for monitoring business value and gather the proven medical outcomes
in regards to cost-efficient and value-based care.

Built-in analytical feature

A built-in analytical feature provides reports with real-time performance insights and participation across the solution.

Open secure API

We can offer you an open secure API for reporting data acquisition to be used in external client BI tools.

Research-purposed usage

Anonymised data can be used in research in most cases with a fast track green light by authorities.


Enhance the power of decisions with AI

Think of an AI-enabled integration for enhanced clinical decision support. We want to stimulate the quality of results by using the power of data.

Trusted by others

  • Arjo Boendermaker
    Arjo BoendermakerProject Lead Data-Sharing Central Netherlands (DDMN)

    There were clear needs that we wanted to meet. Less administration burden, improved quality, privacy, and security were the reasons to look for a suitable MDT platform. We chose Open Line Vitaly platform because they had the best integration capabilities. On the one hand, you want an MDT platform to support every workflow – such as proper planning and preparation. But the links with EPDs and XDS infrastructure are also important for good data exchange. Vitaly brought all of that together.

  • Peter-Paul Willemse
    Peter-Paul WillemseUrological Oncologist at UMC Utrecht and Chairman of the Regional Urology Tumour Group

    Vitaly is now set up for oncology care standards. You can now use and complete it in such a way that you can grade patient cases and immediately implement treatment recommendations. My advice to new users is that they transfer their working agreements to the guidelines in Vitaly, so they can work with it in a very practical way.

  • Dr Tayana Soukup
    Dr Tayana SoukupResearcher on Cancer Multidisciplinary Teams at Imperial College London

    Platforms like Vitaly can support MDT meetings by structuring the information that is needed, making sure it is accessible, that all the users are present and have the chance to contribute, and that decisions are written back to the patient record. Such platforms also have the potential to reduce preparation time for these meetings.

  • Kees Gerestein
    Kees GeresteinGynaecological Oncologist at UMC Utrecht and Chair of the Gynaecology Working Group

    With our working group we strive for uniform high-quality care for all patients in the region: close to home if possible and in a specialised centre if this is better. This platform facilitates this goal, because we can easily and securely share patient data with each other throughout the entire care process.

  • Martijn Mol
    Martijn MolCountry Digitization -Healthcare Track Lead, Cisco Netherlands

    Open Line Vitaly, Cisco Preferred Solution Partner, incorporating Cisco Collaboration Technology in Vitaly eHealth Platform is performing a significant shift within digitisation of healthcare, especially by increasing availability to all relevant health related information on both sides, patients and medical professionals.

  • Gilbert Bod
    Gilbert BodIT Manager Strategic Alliances

    In our hospital, we have the ambition to offer healthcare across the borders to give patients the best treatment options available. To be able to do so, we form tumor boards with other collaborative hospitals to discuss patient cases and regularly share knowledge. In the Netherlands, we have found very few software applications which could support our complex Tumor board processes and which could connect and integrate with the hospitals' infrastructures such as XDS and AD. Within Vitaly, we have found everything we needed to accomplish our ambition.

We are looking forward to getting to know you.

Let us help you to bridge the gap to digital healthcare transformation by aligning your business case and finding the solution that meets your needs.  We’ll support you until you get there.