Multi-purpose platform supporting integrated care

By ensuring the interoperable layer underneath carefully designed applications for professional and non-professional users, Vitaly offers a comprehensive set of tools, applicable in various therapeutic areas.

Getting along with your ecosystem

With Vitaly, we can upgrade various integration opportunities, and help you to configure a solution based on your existing programmes by considering the following essentials.


Based on healthcare standards (IHE HL7, FHIR, OpenEHR) and integrational capabilities, we enable the exchange of information from various systems as an interoperable platform.

Made scalable and flexibLE

Our design allows to modify care services to fit specific user needs and can be adapted to a large population or for a smaller group of practice. Our platform can be deployed in any therapeutic area.

Designed with the users

To ensure our solutions are user-friendly, we have designed them together with the users having in mind the simplification and seamless experience as a foundation in anything we do.

Easy to setup

A standardised approach to provisioning our solutions into AWS or Microsoft Azure allows us to do this quickly and efficiently.


Our vast knowledge and multidisciplinary team of experts allow us to elevate collaboration when working with clients to deliver superb services.

Organise and measure the best of your energy and skills

Track your key metrics for monitoring business value and gather the evidence needed for reimbursement, research and quality of processes.

Our synergies

Recognised by internationally acclaimed technology leaders, we support you in establishing a comprehensive ecosystem of partners in your local area.

Vitaly solutions advocating continuity of care
Multidisciplinary Team Meetings

Inspired by collaboration of numerous medical experts for increased treatment efficiency and patient outcomes.


Designed to improve information exchange between hospitals and specialists, allowing smooth data flow and real-time monitoring of patient progress. 


Holistically designed tools that enable personalised and coordinated healthcare in the outpatient setting.

Patient-initiated follow-up (PIFU)

Relieve the NHS staff pressures and empower your patients. Learn how Vitaly PIFU solution helps you tackle the elective backlog, reduce waiting times and improve the quality of care. 

Following industry standards

The process of caring for a patient has become increasingly complex in the light of evolving standards, delivery models and regulatory landscapes. It's a challenge we are addressing in multiple aspects.

  • From data to valuable information
    From data to valuable information
    From data to valuable information

    Enabling safe, reliable, effective and prompt care

    With market-proven health information exchange experiences, we help you transform data into meaningful information. Medical devices, IT best practices and compliance are delivered according to IHE and other international standards, including relevant EU, UK, NL regulations for digital healthcare solutions. Seamless, secure and reliable connectivity of heterogeneous systems brings new value to data and supports professionals in their decisions for optimal patient care. 

    For more information, please contact

  • Positive-sum on safety
    Positive-sum on safety
    Positive-sum on safety

    No shortcuts on user and patient Safety

    Together with our solutions, there comes the certainty that EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) requirements about safety and clinical reliability are met. By tight collaboration with a Clinical Safety team, we elaborate on every possible implication on patient and user safety prior to any solution extension.

    • Privacy By Design (PbD) framework
    • ISO 14971:2019 — Application of risk management to medical devices
    • ISO 270X - Information Security Management System

  • User centricity
    User centricity
    User centricity

    Balancing Security, Privacy, Usability and Business Value

    Actively involving business stakeholders, professional users and patients to deliver value and user experience in balance with the security and privacy of data.

    • IEC 62366-1 - Application of usability engineering to medical devices
    • WCAG 2.1 - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
  • Surprise-free with regulations and guidelines
    Surprise-free with regulations and guidelines
    Surprise-free with regulations and guidelines

    Flexible in adopting market-specific regulations and health data exchange specifics

    • Leveraging know-how in national regulative frameworks and health information exchange specifics on several European markets (the United Kingdom, The Netherlands) to deliver compliant solutions and services to all relevant market requirements.
    • Most widespread IHE integration profiles are enabling authentication and authorisation, auditing and data exchange. See our Integration statement for more information.
    • ISO 13485:2016 and IEC 62304 certified Quality Management System (QMS) and Systems development life cycle (SDLC).
    • Medical Device Directive 100% respected. Vitaly Questionnaires built on top of Vitaly Platform are registered as Medical Device.
    • In the transition period for receiving medical device registration under Medical Device Regulation rules.
    • Registered as an Economic Operator in the Eudamed databank.
  • Continuous improvement
    Continuous improvement
    Continuous improvement

    Yearly independently audited Quality Management System

    To assess our journey to excellence and discover improvements, we are independently audited for medical device development focused on the application of safety, security, risk and usability controls.

    Quality management:

    • ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems
    • ISO 13485 - Quality Management Systems – Medical Devices
    • IEC 62304 -medical device software – software lifecycle processes

    Risk control:

    • ISO 14971 - medical devices - application of risk management to medical devices
    • ISO/IEC 27001 - information security management

Trust us your challenge to identify opportunities

Alongside digital solutions, we can offer you various services in different domains of expertise.

Implementation services

  • Standard implementation services
  • Integration services

Effective implementation and tailor-made integrations

Vitaly solutions can be implemented and integrated at the client-side or offered as a SaaS/PaaS solution. Our domain experts can support you in identifying value-based use cases and integration possibilities with other information systems to help you deliver a solution with measurable outcomes following your business targets.

Support services

  • Maintenance
  • 2ⁿᵈ Level Support
  • 3ʳᵈ Level Support
  • Other support services

Reliable and safe operation by Open Line Vitaly's technical support and system maintenance

Open Line Vitaly guarantees the reliable and safe delivery of services with maintenance and technical support teams. The aim of software maintenance is a guarantee that the service during the maintenance period is running smoothly at the highest quality standards.

Professional services

  • Consulting
  • Education and training
  • Custom specific adaptations

Smooth implementation and fulfilment of desired outcomes by Open Line Vitaly's professional services

Given our extensive experience in the industry, we can offer advice to potential clients concerning implementing innovative solutions, changing business models and digitalisation of internal processes. Open Line Vitaly provides customised training and workshops for clients and partners throughout all the phases of the selected solution's lifecycle.

Pricing options

  • Standardised service packages

    Consultancy & Implementation costs

  • Perpetual licences + Maintenance

  • Term license (subscription)

METRICS FOR PRICING: N° of health records per use case

We are looking forward to getting to know you.

Let us help you to bridge the gap to digital healthcare transformation by aligning your business case and finding the solution that meets your needs. 

We’ll support you until you get there.