The objective of the AALHP project was to develop an open platform for active ageing and effective care of the elderly at their home (Assistance Homecare Platform – AHP).
The developed AHP platform includes devices for measuring vital signs, environmental sensors and other sensors placed in the home of the elderly by integrating three key technological innovations:
- smart data hub for environmental and other sensor-acquired data
- software solution for data processing and analytics, based on AI
- intuitive portal for caregivers, medical and social care staff, family members
The developed platform is based on cloud computing technologies, open data, Internet of Things, smart embedded systems and HPC (High Performance Computing) infrastructure. Environmental and other sensors measure vital signs (e.g. heartbeat) and provide data to the smart hub for processing and analytics (descriptive and predictive). Extracted information communicates to the portal for assisted homecare of the elderly.
The project was carried out jointly with Xlab which provides the analytics platform for sensor-based and other smart home devices data. Parsek was the coordinator of the project and provider of health portal and data integration platform.
The project was co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
For more information about the project or AHP platform presentation please Contact us.
9.2016 – 9.2018
424.990,40 EUR
EVROPSKA UNIJA Evropski strukturni in investicijski skladi