How Open Line Vitaly addresses demand and resource gap in the NHS

Learn how digital multidisciplinary team meetings and care coordination tools build capacity, improve clinical decision-making, and deliver personalised care to patients.

How Open Line Vitaly addresses demand and resource gap in the NHS

How Open Line Vitaly addresses demand and resource gap in the NHS


The NHS faces a gap between demand and resources that has grown since the Covid-19 pandemic, putting unsustainable pressure on organisations and clinicians and impacting the care they can deliver to patients.

There has been significant investment in cancer and other disease networks, in which clinicians work in multi-disciplinary team meetings to make optimal diagnosis and treatment decisions. Hospitals have been encouraged to develop digital outpatient services, including patient-initiated follow-up, or PIFU.

This paper explores the challenges that the healthcare system faces in outpatient settings. It identifies the attributes of Vitaly solution for effective care coordination and to facilitate aligned, consistent and comprehensive care.

You will learn about:

  • The NHS’s decade-long challenge to bridge a growing gap between rising demand, driven by an ageing and unequal population
  • The rising need for outpatient disease management and its challenges
  • The value of the Vitaly solution for MDT meetings or coordinated care, and how does it work
  • Standards assuring greater privacy, security and usability
  • Clinically proven health care benefits of using digital care coordination and MDT meetings solutions

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